Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

What are benefits of EFT?

Typical issues addressed with EFT (Tapping)

  • Fears: Flying, public speaking, dentists, claustrophobia, heights, test taking
  • Pain: Back, neck, shoulder, body aches
  • Habits & addictions
  • Self sabotaging behavior, negative self talk, lack of self esteem
  • Emotional distress: traumatic events, PTSD, relationship conflicts, negative self talk
  • Negative beliefs about money that sabotage success, relationships or keeps you poor
  • Enhance your sports performance

Why Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)?

We all have some type of negative self talk that holds us back and keeps us in the ‘same ole thing.’  Whether it’s about money, relationships, or our ability to succeed or not succeed.  “You’re never going to amount to anything,” or “You’re just not smart enough,” or you suffer with the victim mentality, ’cause nothing ever works out for me.’  What negative self talk are you hearing from yourself?

Are your fears holding you back or keeping you from taking action?  Or do you hear yourself saying things like: There just isn’t anyone out there for me,’ ‘Who would want me?’

Maybe you’ve experienced a trauma that stifles you, keeps you mentally and emotionally upset.

This event may have handicapped your life and your relationships.  There can be many fears or anxieties that can rule our lives or keep us from living a purposeful and joyful life.

Emotional Freedom Technique has been known to give people relief from these issues and many more.  Most people experience a noticeable change after the first session.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) December 28, 2016